What Is Yescoin Swipe-to-Earn Telegram Game and How to Play?

What Is Yescoin Swipe-to-Earn Telegram Game and How to Play? Yescoin—the digital treasure hunt that’s got Telegram buzzing! 🌟 Let’s dive into the pixelated world of swipes, coins, and blockchain magic, shall we?

What Is Yescoin? Yescoin is like that nostalgic arcade game you played as a kid, but with a crypto twist. It’s a Telegram-based mini-game that lets you earn cryptocurrency by doing something we all secretly love: swiping your screen. 📱💰

Here’s the lowdown:


  1. The TON Blockchain Connection: Yescoin is powered by the TON (Telegram Open Network) blockchain. Think of it as the secret sauce behind the scenes. TON makes sure your swipes are secure, your coins are legit, and your retro gaming vibes are intact.
  2. Swiping for Glory: Imagine you’re in an ’80s arcade, neon lights flickering, and you’re swiping left and right like a pro. That’s Yescoin! Swipe your screen, collect Yescoins, and watch your rewards pile up. It’s like Pac-Man meets crypto—minus the ghosts.
  3. Leagues and Benchmarks: Yescoin has leagues—Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. As you swipe your way through, you hit specific milestones and unlock higher-value coins. It’s like leveling up in a game, but with actual money involved. 🚀
  4. Boosts and Power-Ups: Yescoin isn’t just about mindless swiping. It’s strategic! You’ve got boosts and power-ups:
    • YesPac: This little buddy collects coins for you even when you’re binge-watching Netflix or napping. It’s like having a crypto squirrel on autopilot.
    • Hard Reward Tasks: Complete these tasks (they’re like side quests) to earn extra YES points. It’s like finding hidden treasure chests in the game.
  5. Invite Your Friends: Remember how you’d call your friends over to play Street Fighter? Well, invite them to Yescoin! You get bonuses when they join, especially if they’re Telegram Premium users. It’s like building your own crypto crew.


How to Play Yescoin: A Quick Guide Ready to embark on your Yescoin adventure? Follow these steps:

  1. Join the Yescoin Bot on Telegram: Open Telegram and search for “Yscoin” or simply click here. The bot will guide you through the setup process.
  2. Explore Yescoin’s Main Screen: Once you’re in, you’ll see buttons and options:
    • Play Button: Start swiping and collecting coins.
    • Build Button: Access boosts and power-ups.
    • Earn Button: Check out tasks for extra rewards.
    • Menu Button: Settings, support, and community links—all in one place.
  3. Connect Your TON Wallet: Link your TON wallet (like Tonkeeper) to manage your Yescoins. It’s like having a digital piggy bank.
  4. Spread the Word: Invite friends using your referral link. The more, the merrier (and wealthier)!

And that’s it! You’re now a swiping virtuoso, chasing after digital gold.

the quest for digital treasure in the land of Yescoin! 🌟 Fear not, fellow adventurer—I’ve got your back. Let’s dive into the swiping strategy and coin-hoarding tactics that’ll make you the envy of all the crypto squirrels out there.


**1. Get Invited (Bring a Friend to the Party): Before you even start swiping, try to wrangle a friend who’s already in the Yescoin game. Get them to invite you with a referral link. Why? Because it’s like getting a head start in a race—except this race involves coins. You’ll boost your bank before you even begin swiping. Plus, your friend gets bonus coins too, so it’s a win-win. And hey, if you manage to invite a gazillion friends (okay, maybe not that many), you’ll be swimming in coins like Scrooge McDuck in his money bin. 🦆💰

**2. Free Boosters (Daily Dose of Coin Magic): Yescoin addicts (we’re all a little addicted, let’s be honest) log in daily. Don’t miss out on the freebies! Click that “Build” button and unleash the boosters:

  • Chest Booster: Picture valuable tokens raining down the screen like confetti at a crypto party. Swipe horizontally to grab as many coins as possible. 🎉
  • Full Recovery Booster: Your energy bar depletes faster than a kid’s candy stash on Halloween night. This booster instantly refills it. Use it wisely, young padawan. ⚡

Remember, you get three free uses of each booster every day. Don’t let ’em gather dust!

**3. Splurge on Premium Boosters (Treat Yourself): Hoarding coins won’t make you rich. In Yescoin, you gotta spend to earn. So, invest those hard-earned coins in permanent boosters:

  • Multivalue: It’s like sprinkling fairy dust on each coin—juices up their value.
  • Coinlimit: Break the shackles! Increase the total coin limit for each level.
  • FillRate: Boost your energy bar regeneration speed. It’s like chugging an energy drink for your swipes. 🚀


Be bold, my friend. Spend wisely, swipe relentlessly, and soon you’ll be the Yescoin whisperer—the one who swipes when others sleep. 💪

**4. YesPac (Your Crypto Squirrel Sidekick): Picture this: A tiny bot named YesPac scurrying around, collecting coins for you even when you’re binge-watching Netflix or practicing interpretive dance. Get YesPac—it’s like having a loyal sidekick who’s also a crypto vacuum cleaner. 🤖🍃

**5. Stay Vigilant (Swipe Like a Pro): An energy bar sits at the bottom of your screen. When it’s full, coins rain down like confetti at a crypto party (again with the confetti—clearly, I’m obsessed). When it depletes, coins appear more slowly. So swipe consistently, my friend. Be the ninja of swipes. And remember, boosts are your secret sauce—they recharge that energy bar faster than a Tesla at a supercharger station. ⚡🔥

Now go forth, swipe like your life depends on it (well, maybe not your life, but definitely your coin stash), and may the blockchain gods smile upon you! 🌟✨

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